Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 2

SPECIAL CHARACTER – Carmel College students are expected to be confident while still respecting the talents and gifts of others. The women who respect and nurture the environment and wish to do well are the ones wanting to strive for excellence and seek opportunities for continuous learning. Women, who live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God.
MERCY VALUES - There is 5 Core Mercy Values; Respect for Human Dignity – value each person’s contribution, Compassion – Work cooperatively with others, Service – Encourage and demonstrate team spirit, Justice – Respect the right for others and Care for the Poor and Vulnerable – Listen attentively to identify unmet needs.
HISTORY – the college was founded in 1957 by the Sisters of Mercy to provide an education for girls on the North Shore. Carmel College offers a challenging education for girls and is interlaced with cultural and sporting requirements. The college promotes social structures which celebrate the dignity of all. The aim of Carmel College is for young women to leave the college fully-developed person of integrity, initiative and caring awareness.

I think that all of this has to be appropriate to my DVD because we are a catholic school and the music, photos and the whole DVD must be appropriate to the school for them to produce it and buy it.

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