Wednesday, March 10, 2010


dear Lauren,

This week we have been focussing on the Key Factors of our movie.
Find this and answers by going into 6148 - ICT - Year 12 Camp DVD - Key factors.

- And we also did prioritising them into the order which we think is most important.

that can also be found in 6148 - ICT - Year 12 Camp DVD - Prioritising

Thursday, February 25, 2010


This week we have been focussing on our research for our DVD. the research included:
SPECIAL CHARACTER – Carmel College students are expected to be confident while still respecting the talents and gifts of others. The women who respect and nurture the environment and wish to do well are the ones wanting to strive for excellence and seek opportunities for continuous learning. Women, who live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God.
MERCY VALUES - There is 5 Core Mercy Values; Respect for Human Dignity – value each person’s contribution, Compassion – Work cooperatively with others, Service – Encourage and demonstrate team spirit, Justice – Respect the right for others and Care for the Poor and Vulnerable – Listen attentively to identify unmet needs.
HISTORY – the college was founded in 1957 by the Sisters of Mercy to provide an education for girls on the North Shore. Carmel College offers a challenging education for girls and is interlaced with cultural and sporting requirements. The college promotes social structures which celebrate the dignity of all. The aim of Carmel College is for young women to leave the college fully-developed person of integrity, initiative and caring awareness.
I think that all of this has to be appropriate to my DVD because we are a catholic school and the music, photos and the whole DVD must be appropriate to the school for them to produce it and buy it.

Also I have done a movie maker explanation which can be found in : 6148 - ICT - Year 12 Camp DVD - movie maker explanation.docx.
This explains how to use movie maker with arrows and explanations about them.

I have also developed 4 colour schemes on , i have written explanations on each of these and said why i think they are appropriate for Carmel College. This can also be found in: 6148 - ICT - Year 12 Camp DVD - colour scheme explanation.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week 2

SPECIAL CHARACTER – Carmel College students are expected to be confident while still respecting the talents and gifts of others. The women who respect and nurture the environment and wish to do well are the ones wanting to strive for excellence and seek opportunities for continuous learning. Women, who live justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with their God.
MERCY VALUES - There is 5 Core Mercy Values; Respect for Human Dignity – value each person’s contribution, Compassion – Work cooperatively with others, Service – Encourage and demonstrate team spirit, Justice – Respect the right for others and Care for the Poor and Vulnerable – Listen attentively to identify unmet needs.
HISTORY – the college was founded in 1957 by the Sisters of Mercy to provide an education for girls on the North Shore. Carmel College offers a challenging education for girls and is interlaced with cultural and sporting requirements. The college promotes social structures which celebrate the dignity of all. The aim of Carmel College is for young women to leave the college fully-developed person of integrity, initiative and caring awareness.

I think that all of this has to be appropriate to my DVD because we are a catholic school and the music, photos and the whole DVD must be appropriate to the school for them to produce it and buy it.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Week 1

Hello Lauren...
this week we have been designing our Year 12 Camp DVD project. we have been given our client and have been doing our brief with specifications.
this is mt Brief:
Year 12 camp DVD!
ISUUE: Every year Carmel College takes all year 12 students to a weeklong camp in National Park. The students do lots of activities in subjects such as Biology, History and English. They also tramp the Tongariro crossing (weather permitting). Thorough out the week students and teachers will take photos and videos of the activities. Mrs DiCesare, the camp leader wants you to produce a DVD to commemorate the camp. The DVD will be sold to year 12 students.
v What is the problem or opportunity that has been created:
Because every year Mrs. DiCesare wants a cam DVD that commemorates the value of the camp and the experiences that have been made and for the students to buy and to remember the good times at Carmel College.
v Why does it exist and how do you know this?
So that Mrs. Deady can have a copy and take it to the sister school and show them the work and experience the students have here.

v Who is affected?
The people who are affected are the students, staff, teachers and parent helpers who come and participate in the camp.
v What might be done to solve it?
We are going to make a DVD that is going to meet Mrs. DiCesare’s requirements for this year.
AIM: What is your intent?
My intention is produce a well written DVD of the year 12 camp that will meet all the requirements for this particular DVD.
v Where will the finished solution go?
It’s a DVD that will be distributed to the Year 12 students about their time and experience on camp.

v Who will use the product?
The students that went on camp and maybe the parent’s staff and teachers to remember the 2010 camp of the year for year 12’s.

v What will it be used for?
To create memories for the students and for Mrs. Deady to take to the sister school so they can see the commitment.


v Your skills and expertise:
Movie maker: is what I will be using to create the project DVD. It will bring the photos, videos and my choice of music together to produce this.

Toast: will be used to the burn the DVD for all the students, parents, and staff etc.

Photoshop: I will use this to crop and Photoshop the pictures to suit my DVD choice of how it is put together.

v Your budget:
DVD disc: depending on how big I want my movie to be depends on the amount of megabytes the DVD will take up and from then it will give the cost to get the right blank disc for it.

Case: to purchase a case for 120 students/people will be easily done as the $2 shop can produce them as little as under as a $5 budget.

Printing: I will need to use a full colour ink cartridge to produce the printing on the CD which depends on the printer and the cost of ink cartridges to go in it. The price will be under $50.

v Your time:
My time will be used in a Gantt chart, which will illustrate my project schedule. It will keep track of my time and show me where I am at with the project.

v Key stakeholder requirements:

Year 12’s, teachers and parents

Mrs. DiCesare is my main stakeholder

BOT and other students

Specifications – what does my product require to be successful?
ü A title on the activities that I put in order.
ü Appropriate music/ soundtrack for the movie – suitable to Carmel College.
ü A photo to print on the DVD.

i have finished the Brief with all the information to create my DVD project assignment.